Monday, February 22, 2021


Hailey and her best friend, Skylar, heard someone breaking in and hid in the bathroom.  Remembering there was a heavy flashlight in the closet she grabbed it.  And not too soon since the intruder was trying to get into the bathroom.  When he broke down the door they attacked him hitting him in the head with the flashlight and trying to run.  Until they heard his voice and realized it was Sylar's brother, Zane.

Zane was a Navy Seal with a month's furlough.  When he couldn't find the beach house key he broke a windowpane not realizing that his sister and best friend were staying there.  Luckily, he wasn't harmed a bad as he could have been.

I love all the characters in this story.  Hailey and Skylar have been friends since school even though their backgrounds are night and day.  I love Zane's sense of humor and determination.  I highly recommend this book!

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