Friday, September 27, 2024

REVIEW - PRIMAL KILL by Lydia Michaels

Cerberus Maddox XI has been entombed under the earth for centuries his limbs torn from his body with no food, water or air to regenerate. Uncontrollable agony had been his life, but now that he was free he would get his vengeance. Adriel would pay for what they had done to him!

He had found her. Burned her out of her home forcing her to flee. She looked behind her in fear... is it Cerberus behind her? But no, it wasn't her mate who she has been evading for centuries. It was the witch who The Order had imprisoned. How had she escaped? How had she been able to keep up with an immortal?

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. This series is intended to be read in order as the characters are recurring and you need previous information to fully understand the depth of the story experiences of these characters.

This book has to be my favorite and does it take you on a journey! Cerberus is back and determined that Adriel suffer as he had. Adriel and Juniper made unlikely allies and a surprising relationship. Dane was asked to leave the farm for his part in Isaiah and Juniper escaping. Gracie... wow! She has the biggest surprise coming and I can't wait for her to find out what her calling really means for her.

This paranormal romance is action-packed, full of danger, suspense and twisted turns. There are lies, betrayals and surprising relationships. Highly recommend this series!


Get PRIMAL KILL today!

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