Friday, March 8, 2024


Malena's five-year-old son Felix was having a meltdown in her parent's backyard filled with family at their annual family get-together. His best friend had just gotten a kitten and he didn't understand why he couldn't have one also.

Her phone ringing was a reminder of why they couldn't have a pet. She was determined to make partner at her law firm and wasn't able to handle anything more than a goldfish. After the death of her husband, she was grateful to her parents for giving them a place to live, but that would be ending as they planned to leave Colorado and move to permanently to the home they purchased in Florida as her father's health could no longer handle the winter weather.

Despite the frown on her mother's face, she started for the door for the hour's drive to the office. Regardless of it being the weekend her boss wanted her in the office to handle a client in a contentious divorce. The wife is threatening to go public about misappropriation of funds and it couldn't wait until Monday.

Already upset that she had to leave her family she finds a black Aston Martin in her parking spot. She tried to ignore the annoying jerk when she arrived in the conference room but was appalled when her boss told her that she would be working with him on the case. Thad... the man who was friendly when she first arrived at the firm seven years ago and although she at first thought he was interested in her his attitude turned on a dime and he has been a pain in her backside since. Stealing clients and making her life miserable.

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed. Malena was a single mother and determined to follow her dream of making partner while trying to find time to spend time with her son. 

This book is steamy hot and full of angst and Felix will keep you laughing as only a five-year-old who isn't your own can with his tantrums. During a corporate retreat that even the partners couldn't avoid Salena couldn't avoid Thad if she could and was more confused by his actions wondering why he was singling her and her son out.

Thad is determined that his past mistakes and missed opportunities will no longer stand in the way of what he has always wanted. Highly recommend.


Check out all my interviews/reviews for Sarah Peis!

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