Friday, June 14, 2024

NEW RELEASE - LOVE ME by Bianca Borell



Love Me by Bianca Borell
Corrupt Legacy Book 1

Genre: Dark College Romance

Hosted by DS Book Promotions

My initiation was determined on the day I was born. I would pledge my allegiance to the Family, but I didn’t know it would cost me my soul.

AMAZON: Kindle edition
*Read on Kindle Unlimited*

AMAZON: Discreet Paperback Edition

What to expect:

💜 First love to enemies to lovers
💜 Second chance
💜 Tortured MC
💜 Emotional scars


My initiation was determined on the day I was born.

I would pledge my allegiance to the Family, but I didn’t know it would cost me my soul.

Family should come before anything else, but my loyalty will always be to the woman I love and lost.

Now Celine is back and set to destroy me.

She thinks we’re done.

We will never be done.

I’d rather end the corrupt legacy I was born into than lose her a second time.

I made the biggest mistake of my life by trusting Kaden.

He cast me away as if I was nothing to him.

Now, I am back, and I’m determined to make him pay for betraying me.

I buried my love for him, but focusing on revenge was harder than expected.

His presence stirs a longing in me nothing could extinguish.

I can’t afford to lose focus and let him back in.

But it feels like that’s a battle I am destined to lose.
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