Tuesday, June 11, 2024

REVIEW - GEMINI WILD by Laura Navarre

Zara is being hunted. As the Gemini Queen she is used to the feeling but since she has been hidden behind all the magical wards at the Icarus Academy it doesn't happen as much. But now flying in her dragon form she definitely feels like she is being hunted and through the icy rain and clouds it is hard to see the danger.

Then she smells another dragon and thinks it is her alpha Max finally wanting to apologize. He is not taking it well that she doesn't want to get pregnant and has made his displeasure known throughout their harem. But their mating bond is silent telling her that none of her guys are out here.

Then she sees a flash of green and the feeling of being stalked gets stronger. Tired of waiting she takes a defensive stance and lets out a jolt of lighting and heads toward the mountain. The next thing she knows something lunges through the clouds for her barely giving her time to avoid the dragon coming for her.

A dragon that shouldn't have been able to get through the magical wards. A dragon with a rider.

I loved this book. It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. This book can be read as a standalone but this series is meant to be read from the beginning to understand how these guys came together. 

After Max is injured by the acid-breathing dragon, Zara creeps out while the guys are still asleep. It is her job to protect her guys and she will make sure the dragon pays with his life.

This is a reverse harem polycule shifter romance. Dragon, serpent and wolf shifters, witch and fae. This book is told in multiple POVs as Zara, Max, Lucius, Neo, Ronin and Vasali work through the issues they have in their poly romance. But this author has added more why-choose confusion for Zara as she fights to save not only the witchie world but that of the Unseelie.

This book is action-packed, full of danger and smoking hot. If you like reverse harem shifter romances you will love this story.

GEMINI WILD is book three of the DARK WITCH ACADEMY Series

Get GEMINI WILD today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Start the DARK WITCH ACADEMY Series today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out my reviews on the following books by Laura Navarre!

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