Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Author at a Glance - LAURA NAVARRE

A long time ago in a galaxy far away, Laura Navarre was an award-winning dark historical romance author for Harlequin, while her diabolical twin Nikki Navarre wrote sexy spy romance.

In a daring bid to escape a global pandemic, armed only with an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction and a professional background in weapons of mass destruction, Laura voyaged through a wormhole to an alternate universe where she crafts turbocharged, steamy, poly sci fi romance starring bi heroes, badass heroines, and plenty of sizzling outer space action.

Laura is also a cat addict, globetrotter, wine lover, PhD student, and President of Ascendant Press, with plans for galactic conquest.

Check out my reviews on the following books by Laura Navarre!

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