Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Tessa just graduated with a degree in marketing and yet here she is moving back in with mom & dad because she can't find a job in their small town. She is hoping to do some ad campaigns for her dad's dealership, but she hasn't even stepped in the front door and is already wanting to leave.

She just found out that she had been a stepping stone to her ex-boyfriend on his way to the NBA so she plans to have a great summer as she makes plans for her future. But her future didn't include her father's plan to marry her to a stranger.

Beckett is at the Whiskey Waltz getting a beer with his MC club when he notices the women enter the bar. He can't take his eyes off the beauty on the dance floor despite her being way too young for him. Her joy for life is mesmerizing.

Beckett is meeting with the owner of Hatton’s Motorcycle dealership and President of the Steel Riders MC. What he doesn't expect is the terms of Mr. Hatton's agreement. A fake marriage with his daughter. The same daughter he had watched dance the night before. A woman 11 years his junior.

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. Although this book has its own HEA I would suggest that you read Beckett's twin brother's story in Bourbon & Brawn. There is a mention in this book about a falling out between the twins and you get the full background in Beau and Vanessa's story.

Tessa is a spoiled brat used to having her dad wrapped around her fingers. As soon as she overhears her father's conversation she is determined to make her father eat his words... and make her 'fake' marriage real despite her father telling Beckett there will be no intimacy with his daughter. But Beckett has his own reasons for agreeing to this relationship.

This book is action packed and steamy hot. Highly recommend!


Read Beckett's twin brother's story in BOURBON & BRAWN
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Kristin Lee!

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