Thursday, June 22, 2023


Alex Wright walks into the Peloton de Gendarmerie de Haute Montagne offices and sees everyone gathered around a desk covered in cupcakes...his desk. His boss Beau doesn't seem to be too happy that he is there since he was supposed to be reporting to Chamonix’s mayor's office this morning, but he had received a call from the mayor's chief of staff to meet them for lunch for their briefing. 

He is still waiting to find out why the mayor's office needs his computer skills as they have people on their own staff. He loved his job with its combination of outdoors and computers, but his boss Beau had volunteered him for an undisclosed IT problem. Ry laughingly tells him to have fun working with their ball-buster chief of staff.

He had come to France right after college for a year full of skiing, but after seeing a PGHM rescue he knew he had found his calling and immediately signed up even though it took him away from his family in England and didn't speak French.

Yvette Legrand had researched Alex Wright's credentials before their meeting, but she was not expecting the gorgeous 6'3" man ushered by the Maitre d to their private dining room. Someone had been copying confidential files from their computers and everyone in the mayor's office was suspect.

She had worked hard for her position as Chief of Staff of Chamonix’s mayor's office and knew what was said behind her back. But after her father's death, her mother struggled to support her and her sister and she was determined to not go through that again and mentored gifted girls who came from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Another great read from JR Pace! This book is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. This book is a standalone novel with its own HEA, but I would suggest that you read the complete series as the secondary characters are recurring. 

This series revolves around the men (and women) of the Mont Blanc Rescue Team. As with the previous books in the series, there is pending danger and I had almost thought there wouldn't be a mountain rescue due to Alex's IT experience but JR Pace found the perfect way to work in Alex's expertise in the field. 

This book is action-packed and full of danger, intrigue and suspense. Alex has his hands full trying to get through all of Yvette's protective layers of distrust, but once he does it gets smoking hot. I had to laugh at just how not French Alex is...won't give it away, but you will know when you read it. 

If you haven't read JR Pace I highly recommend all of her books! I have never been to France or even near a pair of skis, but her books bring the French Alps to life and you will fall in love with her characters.


Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Start reading the MONT BLANC RESCUE series today!
Read for FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

Although COLD AND BITTER SNOW is not considered part of the MONT BLANC RESCUE Series, I would consider this novella as a prequel to the series.

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