Friday, March 10, 2023


Aksel was sitting with Zoey in the gazebo at the edge of her property. Tomorrow was their first day of high school and he was nervous. New people scared him but until now it hadn't been a problem because their town had tons of elementary and middle schools, but only one high school.

Zoey was completely different. She would just smile and begin talking to strangers and have their life stories within a few minutes. He had learned that you couldn't trust anyone not to hurt you and that lesson had been learned when he had been sexually abused by his own father when he was a toddler so he preferred to stay away from people. That way you couldn't be hurt.

But Zoey wouldn't allow him to stay away from her...always showing up at his back door and dragging him out to play. She was his only friend and the only one he wanted.

But in the end, she had lied. She was the one that hurt him on the first day of high school when other students were laughing at him and the fact that his father was on the pedophile list...instead of standing up for him she turned her back on him and walked away with her new friends. The next day in front of her new friends told him he was weird and she didn't want to be his friend anymore.

If you have read anything by Ivy Wild in the past you know she writes DARK romance with anti-heroes. If you haven't read her and have triggers for violence against women and children, murder and very graphic sexual content then this book might not be for you.

BUT WOW! This might be my favorite yet! This book is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. 

Axe grew up being abused by his father and when he realized that no one was going to be there to help him, he did what he needed to do to escape the abuse. Then he made the mistake of trying to pick the pocket of a mob boss...although in truth it saved his life. 

He loved his job...hunting down people, toying with them before killing them...and he had been waiting for fifteen years for his true target and to get his revenge.

This book is action-packed from cover to cover, full of danger, suspense and smoking hot chemistry. I have so much to say about this story, but I don't want to give away any spoilers. Just know that if you like dark romance YOU WILL LOVE this book!

Highly recommend!

Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Ivy Wild!

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