Sunday, September 5, 2021

REVIEW - HER SOLDIER by Silke Campion

Eric 'Petal' Zinni is trying to pay attention, but the trainer is so distracting.  Petal is in training with Remy his service training dog to help him get a handle on his PTSD. 

His PTSD is so bad be can barely leave the garage he works at with other retired servicemen.  Gabe, the previous CO of their Ranger platoon bought houses and the shop in a small town in Colorado along with extra acreage to make their compound and encourage other servicemen to open businesses.  Gabe sent out a blanket offer to the platoon that anyone who needed a quiet place to stay had a job with him.

So he and Xander work for Gabe at Brothers In Arms Classic Car Restoration.  Petal may not know anything about engines, but he was an electrical genius helping install state-of-the-art security systems and hard wiring internet for all the guys.  Several had taken Gabe up on a place to live, but started their own businesses under the Brothers In Arms umbrella.

Hannah Lundgren began Battle Buddies, a non-profit training center for psychological service dogs and was built like a Valkyrie.  She may stand at just under 6 feet, but he was still a head taller.  She had long blonde hair and deep blue eyes and had no idea how gorgeous she was in her everyday wear of jeans, boots and t-shirts.  

He has kept his distance from Hannah because of his PTSD and he is pretty sure he could take her brother Mangus in a fight if it came to it.  The Marine may have lost an eye, but he was still a large SOB.  But, he's had enough of keeping his distance.

Hannah has been attracted to the Army Ranger since he arrived to train with Remy.  With his dark hooded eyes and Mediterranean coloring, Petal was the most gorgeous man in town and hard to ignore.  When Hannah was leaving with Petal and the last light in the parking lot blew, Petal was upset she wasn't taking better care of her safety and decides to set her straight.

So he strips her down in the parking lot, ties her arms together and hooks her to the Oh Crap handle and spanks her.  

I loved this novelette.  It was very well written and I really wish that it was a complete novel so I could spend more time with Petal and Hannah.  All of the characters in the book are fully developed and relatable.

Hannah has made it her goal to match servicemen with the perfect dog for their needs.  Whether it be from injuries or PTSD.  Petal is the first man who has made her feel feminine since she can look most men in the eyes and isn't a small woman.

This is a short story so it really doesn't get into what Petal's PTSD is from besides knowing he was an Army Ranger.  This is book three in the Brothers In Arms series, but the first in the series that I have read so I'm not sure if it was previously told how he got the nickname 'Petal' and that's the only problem I had with the story.  It is a short story, but there is a lot within those pages.  Highly recommend.

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