Thursday, March 24, 2022


Tess is heartbroken.  She is leaving the funeral of her beloved step-father and needs somewhere to go to take her mind away from her sadness.  Who can she call?  Then she remembers The Promise and sends a text and drives to their special place.

I really enjoyed this book.  It is well written and the characters are totally relatable.  The story begins and ends with Tess leaving her step-father's funeral to meet with someone who made her a promise.  After her text, the story changes to her telling a story of her life beginning at the age of thirteen.  Imagine someone sitting and telling you about their life experiences and how she came to this point.

The storyline follows Tess and her friendships and relationships and how the most unexpected person becomes the one she can always count on for support.  The story is told in Tess's first-hand POV and although you find out the answer to who she is meeting, the story leaves you with the knowledge that their story continues in The Vow.

THE PROMISE is book one of the JOURNEY WITH TESS Series!

Start reading THE PROMISE today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Kristina M!

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