Monday, January 2, 2023


Kennedy wonders why is it that one bad thing happens and then everything goes wrong?  Her husband, now ex, just showed at her door with a copy of their divorce decree.  Four years wasted.  They both loved each other...they just weren't 'in love'.  Maybe they never were, but the final nail in their marriage was her need for a family.

Doctors told her that she had a very slim chance of ever getting pregnant, but she was willing to check out all of their options, including fostering and adoption.  But he outright refused...he did not want a family...ever.

Now she is taking the drive from Florida to a small town in Georgia because her grandmother fell and broke her leg and needed help running her business.  Willow Manor was used for weddings, anniversaries and other special occasions.  Kennedy was a book editor so she could work anywhere and she was so in need of a break from her reality.

Declan has had a long day at the garage and is ready to get home so instead of stopping by his parent's house to pick up his daughter Blakely, he pulls into the driveway next door as his mother is visiting her after she broke her leg.  When the door opens he is blown away by the gorgeous woman standing before him.  No woman has ever had this effect on him...ever.

I loved this book!  It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable.  Although the books in this series can be read independently, I would highly suggest you start the series from the beginning as the characters are recurring and you don't want to miss any of these nine Kincaid brothers!

Ramsey is back to her 'you pick' game and the Kincaid brothers don't let you down in giving Declan a hard time.  And I absolutely want to give Blakely some loving!  Kaylee Ryan doesn't forget the little things that bring these characters more to life...talking while toothpaste is foaming about their mouth...she just brings you closer to these characters with all these small things.

This book is action-packed, full of laughter and smoking hot chemistry.  I am addicted to these brothers and can't wait to start the next book in the series!  Highly recommend!!!

STAY FOREVER is book two of the KINCAID BROTHERS Series

Start reading the series with the FREE prequel STAY ALWAYS!

Start reading STAY FOREVER today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Start reading the KINCAID BROTHERS Series today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Kaylee Ryan!

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