Thursday, January 11, 2024

INTERVIEW with Dana Claire

I want to thank Dana Claire for taking the time for this interview!


Dana Claire is an award-winning author whose stories explore identity, fate, and destiny in the crossroads of romance and adventure. Her love of romantic tension and the supernatural effortlessly translates into spine-tingling action and unforgettable characters. Dana is also sharing her stories through speaking events and book signings. 

She lives in Los Angeles, CA with her adoring husband living her dreams: writing books, telling stories, and changing the world, one reader at a time.


When and how did you know you wanted to be a writer?

I've always loved writing, ever since I was a little kid making up stories in my room, which was always filled with colorful books. My mom and I would read together every night, and I used to add my own twists to our favorite bedtime stories, which my parents always encouraged. My mom really supported my dream of becoming an author, especially writing for young people. We even planned to write a book together, but sadly, we never got the chance.

After college, my mom fell ill and passed away from cancer when she was still pretty young...heck, I was pretty young. It took me a while to deal with my grief and get back to writing, but I knew I had to do it, for me and for her. I didn’t start working on our dream again until 2020. Determined to keep my promise to my mom, I finally wrote the stories I’d been thinking about for years. 

My first book, The Connection, which is the start of a trilogy, came out later that year and even won the Young Adult Moonbeam Award in 2021. Whenever writing gets tough, I think about what my mom would say, and it helps me keep going. Sometimes, I get emotional while writing, feeling like she's right there with me. And when I finish a book, it always feels like there's a little bit of her inside.

Did you have any influencing writers growing up?

During college, I had a significant meeting with my advisor who pointed out my consistent A's in English and the fact that all my electives were English-related. She suggested I switch my major to English. 

Looking back, I realize that without her recommendation, I might not have discovered that writing and literature were my true calling.

Are any of your characters based on people in real life?

Yes. But I better not explain who or why. LOL 😉

Where do you draw your book inspirations from?

I'm drawn to the intensity of teenage experiences – the raw emotions of first love, conflicts, and the carefree life without adult worries like mortgages or 9-to-5 jobs. 

Their world revolves around crushes, challenging teachers, supportive coaches, and friendships. Teenagers live in a world where their fears, needs, and desires are distinctly different from those of adults, and I find it fascinating to delve into the fervor that accompanies these experiences. 

Think about the thrill of your first kiss, the flutter of your first crush, the nervous excitement of your first date – these moments feel monumental. To me, they are significant in their own right. I love immersing myself in this drama. Then, add an element of the extraordinary – be it the apocalypse, aliens, vampires, pirates, or secret identities – and it elevates the teenage excitement to another level. It's a recipe for an incredibly engaging and fun world to create, a definite win in my book!

Do you use have a basic outline when starting a new story or do you let the characters lead the way?

I’ve learned my writing habits are weird. I write 50% of the book, non-stop, then outline the rest. I have no idea why. I just move faster that way.

When you are picturing the characters in your book, do you have a cheater photo for inspiration?

I don’t but what a great idea.

Many people read as a form of escape and relaxation. What is your favorite way to sit back and relax?

Reading books or watching movies/TV. 

I’m not very good at relaxing. In fact, the idea of lying on the beach or at a pool gives me anxiety. LOL

Who are your favorite current authors to read?

Great question. I love Jennifer Armentrout. In fact, War of the Land, my last release was dedicated to her. 

I’m also a HUGE fan of Ginger Scott and I am honored to also call her my friend.

Do the locations in the stories have any meaning to you?

Yes. Although I was raised in New York and now reside in Los Angeles, I find myself consistently setting my stories in small towns. There's something about the tranquility, the close-knit community, the buzzing local gossip, and the familiarity where everyone, from the sheriff to the postman, knows each other. Small towns have a unique charm that really captivates me.

Do you write in single or multiple POV?

Always multiple POV. I have one book The Reclaimed Kingdom from one POV. The other ten are multiple.

What do you find to be your best research tool?

My husband. But I can’t tell you what he does for a living or I’d have to….

Do you write under a pen name? Also, do you write under more than one name?


What genre do you write and why is this your preference?

Anything Young Adult. 😊

Tell me something about yourself outside of writing. Jobs, accomplishments, family, quirky trait...what led to you being you?

I own a marketing agency that caters to authors called The INKfluence. We focus on empowering authors with tools and strategies to excel in the publishing industry including direct selling strategies, crowdfunding support, custom special editions, and email marketing. 

We also provide unique services like managing exposure on NetGalley for reviews and potential customers and integrating platforms with third-party companies for selling physical books and products. Our expertise in custom special editions and promotional products helps authors increase their visibility and sales potential. 

I’ve been in business, sales, and marketing for 22 years and I love helping authors grow from my experiences.

What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?

I'm really passionate about helping others, especially in offering advice to new or aspiring authors. I've gathered so much knowledge that I could talk about it for days! But to keep it brief: 

It's crucial for aspiring authors to understand the industry. Attend conferences, online events, talk to other authors, and do your research. 

Most importantly, stay positive and believe in yourself. Don't let self-doubt stop you. Remember, your story matters and there's an audience for it. 

Writing can be lonely, so it's vital to connect with others in the industry through writer groups and events. My own success as an author comes not only from my stories but also from the support of fans, beta readers, friends, and family. They've been instrumental in taking my stories from imagination to print.

How do you deal and process negative book reviews?

Everyone has a right to their opinion. I read all reviews and see if I can learn and grow from them, but honestly, I’m just honored anyone is writing about my books. 😊

What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

The end. I don’t know why but the last 3 chapters are always the hardest, maybe because I don’t want to say goodbye to my characters.

What do you need in your writer’s space to keep you focused?

No interruptions. Once the house is empty, its go time.

What is your naughty indulgence as you are writing?

I've never eaten anything while writing so…. nothing I guess.

Have you ever killed off a character that your readers loved?

Yes. I’ve been known to kill off characters, but there is always a greater purpose as to why. I think the readers end up getting that.

How do you celebrate after typing THE END?

Gosh, I’m so busy with so many books coming out. I give myself one day and then move to the next. I try not to take writing breaks unless it’s a major holiday.

I hope you enjoyed this interview!

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