Monday, July 29, 2024

REVIEW - BROKEN by Serena Akeroyd

Andrea is sitting in the emergency waiting room when the news story catches her attention. She was on her way to school when she saw a foot in the alley. She called an ambulance and despite not knowing the boy she waits to see how he is.

A priest just out of seminary was serving as a missionary in Algeria and had just been kidnapped by revolutionaries. Although she is horrified about his circumstances her seventeen-year-old mind thinks what a shame such a gorgeous man was a priest.

When the doctor sits beside her she can tell from his body language that the boy did not survive the overdose. Not understanding why she was meant to find him if he was still going to die she decides to write to the priest to let him know that she was thinking of him and prayed that he would be okay.

It was the first of many letters that she would write over the next few years... letting him know about the people she saved from their abusers.

I really loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. 

Fair warning - this book may be offensive. Savio is a Catholic priest who is a broken man. Forced by his captors to watch their monstrous acts against women and children as they demanded that he absolve them of their sins. 

Two years, dozens of women and children until he finally broke and gave them the absolution they were demanding - only for them to still assault the small girl in front of him. A priest who lost his faith in the confessional. Tired of absolving sins only for them to repeat their vile sins. Damning his own soul to make sure the innocent stayed safe. A priest who punished those who didn't truly repent.

I love how this story starts with Andrea's letters. Letters that Silas never received but they are the background to her obsession. The feelings pour from these pages... obsession, stalking, self-punishment, shame. This book definitely has triggers and major taboos that will push your buttons but I couldn't put this book down.

Get BROKEN today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Serena Akeroyd!

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