Thursday, July 4, 2024

REVIEW - SO THIS IS WAR by Meghan Quinn

It took a lot of begging but her father finally broke down and agreed she could ride on the team plane. Her dad is the Head Coach of the professional hockey team The Agitators and it just so happens this particular road trip is where her best friend lives. And she so needs a weekend with her friend.

But as soon as she and Sandie enter the hotel bar they run into Dale who Sandie had talked non-stop about. So Wylie decides to sit at the bar and watch her friend enviously. She wants that happiness. Then she notices the most gorgeous man she has ever seen striding directly for her. Her night is looking so much better now. Their chemistry is off the charts and they are getting ready to leave for his room when she looks in horror over his shoulder.

Coach Wood yells into the locker room for Levi to meet him in his office. His best friends and fellow teammates give me looks of pity as Levi's body parts shrivel up and retract into his body. It is never a good thing, but he doesn't know what could be the issue as he has been on his best behavior and Coach hasn't had to rescue him from any embarrassing situations in close to a year.

But he looks at him across the desk in absolute shock. Coach Wood has just informed him, yes there was no question there, that Levi was to hire his daughter as his assistant and to make her life a living hell. He wasn't happy that she dropped out of college and he wanted to teach her a lesson.

But his shock turned to absolute horror when the coach's daughter entered the office. The gorgeous woman he has been searching for the last nine months since she ran from the bar after agreeing to come up to his room. Without telling him her name. But it was obvious from the smirk on her face that she had known who he was. 

The girl of his dreams who was totally off limits.

I loved this story! I have never laughed so hard reading a book - and that is ever! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable.

All Wylie has ever wanted was her father's approval, but she refuses to work in a job that would bore her to death. When she told him she was dropping out of college when she was only a year from her Masters in Business he blew a gasket and that was saying something since she has lived her whole life with a cranky controlling dad. 

He is giving her six months to prove that she can survive on her own or he will re-register her to finish her degree and get the job he approves of. Meaning as of now she has no roof over her head and only a few dollars to her name. 

This book is action-packed from word one and I wouldn't suggest reading in public unless having people stare at your bursts of laughter won't bother you. I highly recommend that you read the complete Vancouver Agitators series as all the guys (and gals) have very important roles in Levi's story. 

Levi is a massive defenseman who is dominant on the ice and in the bedroom, but is a total goofball and terrified of the team's coach. Wylie is a gorgeous woman who has no problem showing off her assets and when she and Sandie figure out what her 'job' is truly about she decides to make Levi suffer for being part of her father's plans.

This off-limits rom-com is steamy hot. Will make you laugh, will make you cry, will make you want to slap some sense into Coach Wood. I can't wait for Grace and OC's story. Highly recommend!

SO THIS IS WAR is book five in the VANCOUVER AGITATORS Series

Get SO THIS IS WAR today!
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Check out all my interviews/reviews for Meghan Quinn!

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