Monday, July 29, 2024


Gwen is on her phone with her best friend as she tapes up the last box ready to head home for the summer. Hearing a noise behind her she is confused. How did Jerry know where she lived? Why is he in her apartment?

Before she knows what is happening he has a knife to her throat. After cutting her face he starts kicking her stomach and slamming her head into the floor. As the darkness takes her she knows that he is going to kill her.

It has been just over a week since her assault and she needs to get out of the house. Although meaning well her father is smothering her so she decides to meet Demi for ice cream. Uncomfortable with the stares they decide to walk as they drink their milkshakes. 

Gwen stands frozen, not believing this is happening again. A man is threatening her and Demi with a knife demanding their purses. She can't move, she can't breathe... and passes out. Silas catches her right before she slams into the sidewalk.

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. Gwen was violently assaulted at college and couldn't believe that within a week she had been threatened with a knife twice. Silas is a retired MMA fighter who happened to be at the right place at the right time.

This book is action-packed from start to finish. Gwen was violently attacked by a classmate that she hadn't really known despite being partners on a class project. Trying to find a way to get past her nightmares and panic attacks Gwen decides that the best way forward is to have her gorgeous savior teach her self-defense.

This author did an amazing job visualizing Gwen's trauma and fear. The chemistry between Gwen and Silas is smoking hot and I love the crazy fighters he is training. This age-gap suspense romance has a surprising twist. Highly recommend!

Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Jacob Chance!

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