Thursday, January 13, 2022


It's the first day of school and Sydney can't believe the treatment she is receiving from Bentley, a guy she had met a few years ago at a sorority party.  Her memories are a bit foggy of that night, but she remembered them having a great time.  But, he is just plain hostile and calling her a whore.  Who does he think he is?

Bentley woke up from another dream of Carissa telling him it was his fault that she killed herself.  She didn't mean it when she said they should see other people.  His nightmares had eased off until Sydney's arrival at school brought all the guilt and memories back.  

Sydney's father is the new headmaster and transferred her for her senior year even though her previous school was the same distance from their home.  It was bad enough starting a new school without having to deal with someone determined to make her life a nightmare.  She totally doesn't understand Bentley's hot and cold attitude.

I loved this book.  It is very well written and all of the characters are fully developed.  This book deals in some sensitive issues like drug abuse, date rape, over the top partying and suicide.  Laura Lee has written a wonderful and emotional story.

Bentley is one of the kings of school and hides all his pain along with his addiction behind a cocky smile.  Bentley takes us through a very emotional journey as we relive his memories and feelings that if he had just made another choice things out of his control would have turned out differently.  His emotional despair and out of control spiral is very well written and heartbreaking.

Sydney has spotty memories of the past, but Bentley is hiding something from her about that night.  When he realizes that she has no memory and why he is even more guilt ridden and out of control.

 This book is action-packed and full of suspense as the night two years ago is slowly revealed.  This book is smoking hot and has a few twisted moments, but when the full details are revealed you really get the feel of the high school/college party scene and the trouble kids can get into.

I highly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more books by Laura Lee.

Get it now on Amazon!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

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