Sunday, April 9, 2023


I want to thank Tara Lee for taking the time for this interview!


Tara lives in Hobart, Tasmania Australia with her husband her college sweetheart, son and daughter

She is a qualified baker by trade and loves to read in her spare time.

She's obsessed with books, shoes and handbags.

She fell in love with writing while on maternity leave with her son she had stories in her head and had to get them out.

She's always been a lover of romance and sweet stories she cant get enough of.

She finally took the leap in 2018 putting pen to paper creating her first romance novel. Eli and Charlotte were the first characters that ran through her mind wanting their story told. They are the first couple from her Pleasant Grove Series each couple has been fighting for their story to be told next.

When and how did you know you wanted to be a writer?

I'd always been a reader but while on maternity leave with my son a story of my own came to me and I had to write it down and then they just didn't stop. 

Did you have any influencing writers growing up?

Not particularly, as I hadn't started writing until I was thirty.

Are any of your characters based on people in real life?

Not particularly, sometimes I'll base a little bit here and there but not a complete character.

Where do you draw your book inspirations from?

Sometimes its what I like to read. Mostly a story just comes to me and I can't get it out until I write it down. 

Do you have a basic outline when starting a new story or do you let the characters lead the way?

I have the main plot down but my characters tend to lead the way. 

When you are picturing the characters in your book, do you have a cheater photo for inspiration?

Yes I always have. I also make Pinterest boards with all the inspiration for each book. 

Many people read as a form of escape and relaxation.  What is your favorite way to sit back and relax?


Who are your favorite current authors to read?

TL Swan, Michelle Heard, Elle Thorpe, LJ Shen, Rachel Leigh, Ashley Lane, Sarah Bale, Leila James, Becca Steele, Neva Atlaj,  Andi Jaxon, Sara Cate, K.G Reuss, DL Gallie, Abbi Glines, Rhiannon Marina, Nikki St Crowe 

What are your favorite books by others?

Pretty much anything from the authors above. 

Do the locations in the stories have any meaning to you?

No, just made up or somewhere I think is nice.

Do you write in single or multiple POV?

Multiple POV 

What do you find to be your best research tool?


Do you write under a pen name?  Also, do you write under more than one name?

Yes I do. Tara Lee and yes I have another pen name which will be my darker stuff...Scarlett Rose 

I'm working on books for that name this year. Ready for best year.

What genre do you write and why is this your preference?

Contemporary and because it just feels right and it's mostly what I like to read also. 

Tell me something about yourself outside of writing. Jobs, accomplishments, family, quirky trait...what led to you being you?

I am a baker by trade and have been in my job for 20 years, been with my husband since we were 16 so 19 years this year. We have two children.  

Other than liking things tidy and in a certain order not sure I have a quirky traits.

What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?

Always write no matter how little it is, remember every little bit counts. 

How do you deal and process negative book reviews?

It sucks to see the negative reviews but unfortunately you can't please everyone and not everyone will love your books and thats okay.

I just try to avoid them all together or focus on the positive ones. 

What is the most difficult part of your writing process?

Trying to fit it in between work and being a mum.

What do you need in your writer’s space to keep you focused?

To be left alone with no interruptions.

What is your naughty indulgence as you are writing?


If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?  And why?

LJ Shen because we talk all the time and she's a beautiful friend but she lives so far away.

What is your schedule like when you are writing?  Do you have a favorite writing snack or drink?

I usually drink a fizzy drink or energy drink.

Do you listen to music when you write – what kind of music is your favorite?

I sometimes do and its always the playlist of the book I'm writing.

Have pets ever gotten in the way of your writing?

No but my kids do all the the time.

What is your kryptonite as a writer?  What totally puts you off your game?

TikTok. I get sucked in.

Have you ever killed off a character that your readers loved?

No, not yet lol 

How do you celebrate after typing THE END?

I usually just relax. 

I hope you enjoyed this interview!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Tara Lee!

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