Monday, April 24, 2023


Kennedy Davidson knew that her appointment as magistrate for the federal district court had come at a bad time with only a few weeks left in the school year, but it had not only brought her closer to her older brother Ben and his family but away from her ex-husband. Now her fifteen-year-old son Paxton is going to make them all late for their first day if he doesn't hurry downstairs. His twin sister Paige is already heading for the car.

When she arrives at the federal building she finds the office scrambling to reschedule Judge Jedynak's docket as he was involved in the accident she heard about while driving in to work. He had evidently been injured badly and they were hoping to reschedule or transfer his cases to other judges before dumping the rest in her lap on her first day on the job.

Finley Porter is an ATF Agent and sitting in on a hearing for Gustavo Herrera. He thought that they had a pretty solid case, but Herrera's attorney was trying to discredit Piper Riordan's testimony. Luckily the Motion to Suppress was denied since their case depended on her testimony. 

As he is leaving the courtroom he runs into the DEA Agent working with him on the Javy Gonzales case. Gonzales had been arrested on federal drug trafficking charges. If Finn can get Gonzales to roll it would help him take down Herrera. But he needed more than drug trafficking charges. He needed proof of illegal firearms sales.

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. This book is a standalone novel, but the characters are recurring and I highly recommend you start at the beginning of this series to fully immerse yourself in this small town.

Though neither Kennedy nor Finn is looking for a relationship there are definitely sparks when they are both at the same weekend getaway at Brooke's cabin. All of the couples from the previous books are in attendance and Paige and Paxton give all the adults a run for their money.

I love how in every book of this series the new couple has some type of connection already to the small town. Kennedy's brother is the sheriff and Finn has worked with the Sheriff's Department on cases. It makes the characters feel more like a family.

This book is action-packed, full of danger, intrigue and suspense and smoking hot. Even though this book is just as life-threatening as the previous books in the series I found it to be a bit more light-hearted with the twins.

I highly recommend this book and this complete series and I can't wait for Brooke's story!


Start reading SMOKY MOUNTAIN JUDGE today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Start reading the FOGGY MOUNTAIN INTRIGUE Series today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Ashley A Quinn!

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