Wednesday, May 22, 2024


She is at a club dancing her heart out with her best friend Sam. It is her go-to place to let everything go for at a night. Forget that her family disowned her after she dropped out of law school. Forget that her dreams of being an artist is getting more discouraging as each art gallery turns her work away. Forget that she has no one who cares.

She wakes up the next morning with a hangover and disoriented. How did she get here? She is in her bedroom, but she is wearing pajamas from her stepmother which she had hidden and never wore. Then she remembers the gorgeous man she bumped into at the bar. He got her safely home and after getting her comfortable left only leaving a note... without a name.

Evi is surprised when she receives a message about an interview at the club Poison Ivy. Not knowing her friend had applied for her knowing she needed a job that paid more than the diner where she was currently a waitress. Sam demands they go to The Heat to dance, drink and celebrate.

Since she met her boyfriend Rhett two months ago at the diner she had been neglecting her girl's nights with Sam. He is everything her family would love. Smooth Southern charm and a law degree. When he offers to help her with her past due bills she reluctantly agrees to his loan not realizing what she has agreed to.

This book is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. First a warning, this book has a cliffhanger... a massive HEA taken away cliffhanger. That being said I can't wait for the next book. 

Evi is on a path of destruction not realizing until it was too late that her boyfriend wasn't who she thought he was. But then she sees the face of her savior. A man who she is warned against, but who makes her finally feel safe.

This book is full of triggering items so beware... drug abuse, overdose, violence, sexual abuse and non-consent. She let the wolf in sheep's clothing lead her down a destructive path and finds an unlikely savior who would burn down the world for her.

It has a slow start as Evi spirals out of control with cocaine and pills, but it is worth getting through and the ending is totally unexpected. This book may have taken us on the dark side of drugs, but I feel book 2 is going to a much darker story as Evi fights for her life.

This is EA Wilde's first book and can't wait to see what comes next.

FIND ME is book one of the POISON IVY series

Get FIND ME today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for EA Wilde!

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