Monday, May 27, 2024


Rogue had just landed in Colombia. A place he never thought he would be again. The place that ended his career... and had almost taken his life.

Two years ago he had been on an undercover mission with the DEA to infiltrate and take down a powerful drug lord. Now the DEA and Interpol had asked him to return since his cartel was stronger than before and growing. But Rogue had seen Ricardo Cruz die before his eyes. 

Although his eyes had been hazed by the cocaine that had almost killed him. 

He was sitting in the back of the taxi when suddenly the driver slammed on his brakes. Rogue looked up to see the road blocked with masked men with guns. They grabbed him, covered his head and stuffed him in the trunk and took off. In what felt like hours they escorted him into a hacienda and shoved him on his knees.

When the hood was removed from his head he was looking at Emiliano Cruz. Ricardo Cruz's younger brother. And he wanted Rogue's services. Rogue smiled inside... exactly what he wanted.

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. This book can be read as a standalone, but the characters of the Chimera Force are recurring and reading their stories will give you more understanding into these men.

The men of the Chimera Force have been hand-picked due to their particular talent and offered a clean slate after five years. Rogue was an IT genius who almost lost his life from the cocaine he was forced to take when he infiltrated Ricardo Cruz's operation. Now he is back undercover to make sure the Cruz cocaine industry is stopped for good. 

Bea is determined to leave. She just needs to convince the man who is helping her Uncle Emiliano to help her escape. She knew her father was a cruel man whose drugs killed hundreds, but he had loved her. Her uncle was a monster and she was terrified of what would happen if she didn't leave.

This book is action-packed from page one. It is full of suspense and danger and is steamy hot. This book has a major twist which puts everyone in even more danger. Another great book by JR Pace. I can't wait for to see what is next in this amazing series! Highly recommend!

ROGUE VOICE is book three of the CHIMERA FORCE

Get ROGUE VOICE today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Start the CHIMERA FORCE today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited

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