Tuesday, May 21, 2024

REVIEW - KING OF SINNERS by Tammy Andresen

Charlotte needed to blow off steam after her long night waitressing. Since she had turned down her professor's suggestion on how to guarantee she passes her photography course he has been giving her an F on all her assignments and she is determined that her last assignment be accepted. 

So despite not living in the best area she takes off on foot winding through the back alleys of Vegas. She is taking her final turn when she hears a sound that has her head jerking up. Two men holding another on his knees and then the sound of a gunshot. Hearing her gasp they take off after her.

As she feels them gaining on her a car stops in front of her and a man exits the driver's door with a gun commanding her to stop. Except he is looking over her shoulder at her pursuers and tells her to get in the car. When he dials and number and mentions her name, she looks at him in shock and then realizes that he is the younger brother of Mason Kincaid.

The man who had threatened her life two years ago if she mentioned who they were. 

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. Two years ago Charlotte had been on her third date trying to find a way to let Leo know that she was not interested in seeing him again. Things were moving too fast with their second date being a family dinner, but as soon as she saw his older brother she knew that Leo was not what she wanted. 

That was the night that her life changed forever. When she found out how dangerous the Kincaid family was.

This book is action-packed from page one, full of danger and steamy hot. Charlotte is in her last semester of college and can't wait to leave Vegas behind. Mason is the head of his family. Their real estate empire is legit but they straddle the line legally. But his family owns Vegas and no one threatens him or the ones he loves. Even his own family.

Highly recommend!


Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Tammy Andresen!

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