Friday, May 24, 2024

REVIEW - TOO GOOD FOR WORDS by Brenda Margriet

The sound of a thunk jerked Penta awake. Was one of her kids trying to sneak out? No, that was definitely a thunk and two voices were arguing. Grabbing her bat she snuck down the stairs only to stop in shock.

A massive bearded man was holding onto her youngest Cyril and was obviously furious. Who was this man and why was he holding onto her son? Raising her bat she demands he release her son and explain why he is in her house.

Cash was watching the squirming teenager trying to avoid his mother's eyes, but he had had enough. Cyril finally mumbled out that he and his friends had broken into Absolute Motorcycle Repair thinking there might be cash in the register. 

Cash luckily lived on site or he never would have arrived in time. Although the other four managed to escape he had grabbed this culprit and gave him the choice of home or the police. He gave the boy's mom his business card and told her that her son was going to work to pay off the damages. He was to be at his shop at 8 in the morning or he was pressing charges.

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. This is another book revolving around the Silverberry Book Club. The book club that instead of reading goes on monthly adventures. The characters are recurring so I highly recommend that you read the complete series.

Penta is a divorced mother of four. Her ex-husband left her twelve years before claiming that she was boring and spent too much time with the kids. Yeah, he's a real keeper. With her youngest getting ready for high school and her oldest in his third year of college she is feeling even more insecure about herself and future.

Cash has no business thinking about a suburban mom of four. A tattooed biker who spent time in prison for assault was definitely not her type. And with his past being able to creep in from the shadows he was the last thing she needed. He didn't deserve her.

This book is action-packed, full of danger and spicy hot. I enjoyed reuniting with the book club and their adventures I have to admit that as soon as I met Cash I thought about Orange County Choppers. I loved this tough biker showing his vulnerability and just wanting a chance to prove he has changed. Highly recommend.



Start the SILVERBERRY SEDUCTION Series today!

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Brenda Margriet!

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