Thursday, May 16, 2024

REVIEW - PSI: BLUE by Robert W Walker

Thirteen-year-old Toby woke up to the blaring music of the merry-go-round as the monster, whose shirt and pants were covered in a rainbow of colors, slapped another coat of fluorescent-colored paint on his naked body. He was bound to a merry-go-round of wooden sea creatures - dolphins and seahorses. The man's demented voice tauntingly asks him over and over if he was having fun yet. 

Carnivore Man worked at the carnival as a handyman and jack of all trades, but his dream was to have his 'art' displayed in a museum for all to see. He saw himself as a necessary evil - who else to teach these children a lesson if not him?

Special Agent Aurelia Murphy Hiyakawa woke from a recurring nightmare of Satan standing over a coral reef covered in blood. Images of angels and sea creatures. Nothing made sense as relating to any of her current cases where she works in the PSI unit of the FBI. 

A boy genius invented a machine that transfers her visions onto the large plasma screens covering the walls while she gathers clues by touching personal items belonging to the victims. A team standing by to decipher her visions hoping for a case breaking clue.

I loved this book! It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable. This isn't like my usual reviews which center around romance. This is a psychological thriller about a serial killer who has all the homeless boys in Phoenix terrified as he uses them for his own personal canvas. Leaving the police and FBI with no clues to go on.

This story is told in several POVs giving the story more layers as we hear the voices of the victims, FBI agents and police officers, Aurelia and even voices from the past. Aurelia is a divorced single mother who is struggling to find the time to rebond with her angry teenage daughter.

If you love TV crimes shows - Criminal Minds, Criminal Intent, X-Files, even Ghost Whisperer you will LOVE this book! It is action-packed, full of danger and will keep you turning the pages as you try to follow the clues in Aurelia's visions - visions that never involve her personal life. Something that could get her killed. This book has a surprising twist that makes Aurelia realize that she needs to follow her instincts no matter how outlandish they made be.

Highly recommend!

PSI: BLUE is book one of the Blue Series

Get PSI: BLUE today!
Available in Kobo Plus

Check out all my interviews/reviews for Robert W Walker

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