Friday, August 6, 2021



I want to first thank JC Belanger so much for this interview!

I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I have!

Be sure to give Jenni a shout-out and FOLLOW her on all her social media!

Also, send her tons of good vibes.  Stalkers may be exciting to read about, but in real life they are terrifying!


I have been an avid reader since I was a child.  I decided that it was time to tell the stories that are running through my head.  I grew up in Indiana, Go Colts!, and now live in the great state of Texas!

My kids are all grown, and it is time for enjoying my grandkids.  They have my love of books deep in them as well.

My hobbies include reading, of course, movies and reality television.  You will find me with a book and a diet coke reading whenever possible.

My favorite authors are Lora Leigh, Shayla Balck, Erin Osborne, and Kayce Kyle, and any others I can devour.

When and how did you know you wanted to be a writer?

There wasn't necessarily a moment in particular that I knew I wanted to be a writer, I just knew I loved reading and I had some of my own stories kicking around in my head.  It wasn't really until Erin Osborne and my daughter convinced me that I should tell those stories, that I even considered being an author.  Now it's turned into something I love to be and am grateful everyday for the people who have taken the time to read and make this dream come true for me. 

Did you have any influencing writers growing up?

Judith McNaught, Jude Devereaux, Julie Garwood were my first major influences.  Being able to lose myself in a story has always been my escape, it's what I hope I provide for someone else.

Are any of your characters based on people in real life?

Yes, There are several names that are real life people.  There are multiple characteristics of those people that I have used for my Heros and Heroines.

For example, Voodoo is based on my late brother Scott.

Where do you draw your book inspirations from?

Music, life experience, and other stories I've read and been told, and of course my friends. 

Do you use have a basic outline when starting a new story or do you let the characters lead the way?

I have a basic outline, that the characters never stick to.  Usually Author and friend Erin Osborne helps me fix my outline after the characters have gone astray. 

When you are picturing the characters in your book, do you have a cheater photo for inspiration?

ABSOLUTELY!  I will scour the internet to find somebody who fits the description for the image in my head. 

Many people read as a form of escape and relaxation.  What is your favorite way to sit back and relax?

Reading, First.  ALWAYS.  Family sometimes (LOL they can push my buttons).

Who are your favorite current authors to read?

They are numerous.  Listed in no particular order are 5 of my current favorite authors; Ciara St.James, Erin Osborne, Cee Bowerman, Lilly Atlas, and Harley Stone.

What are your favorite books by others?

I'm going to list some series, because otherwise I would never finish typing because there are soo many good ones;

Dublin Falls ArchAngels Warriors MC by Ciara St.James , Hells Handlers MC by Lilly Atlas, Rolling Thunder MC by Candace Blevins, and Wild Kings MC by Erin Osborne.

Do the locations in the stories have any meaning to you?

Yes, they're based off my hometown, but I have never named the actual state so that it feels like it's the reader's hometown too. 

Do you write in single or multiple POV?

Multiple POV, because the characters just won't shut up lol. 

What do you find to be your best research tool?

I like to go and see a spot, talk to people and ask questions, so that it is as authentic as fiction can be.  Examples, are the tattoo shop and a Harley dealership, I'm looking for a mechanic to talk to as we speak. 

Do you write under a pen name?  Also, do you write under more than one name?

Kinda, JC Belanger is my author name.  I am considering writing a new series under a different name.  Just haven't decided for sure yet. 

What genre do you write and why is this your preference?

MC.  It had the biggest area for interpretation as far as lifestyle, rules to live by, etc.  Also it encourages the belief of Family is who you chose, not who you're born to. 

Tell me something about yourself outside of writing.  Jobs, accomplishments, family, quirky traits....what led to you being you?

Well that's a long story, but I've led an interesting and sometimes terrifying life, as have most.

I've had an ex-husband who's been stalking me for almost 30 years now.  I've had plenty of ups and downs that have influenced the person I am today; along with plenty of friends and even enemies who have made me who I am.

The loss of my siblings has probably been the biggest impact on who I am today, other than my children of course. 

I am a Diet Coke addict.  Believe that everything Pink is mine by right, and pumpkin spice should be an actual season.

If you are a duo writing team, how do you share the writing process?

I have co-written with Erin Osborne and it was an every other chapter process. 

What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?

You can do it!  Shut out all the negativity of people, things, whatever and believe that what you have to say matters.  Someone, somewhere is dying to read what you've written. 

Make sure you have a good editor and at least 3 good Beta Readers. 

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