Saturday, August 13, 2022

THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY - The O'Brians Series by Jude McLean

The O'Brians


Get a behind-the-scenes all-access pass to Jude McLean's The O'Brians Series!


The series begins with Escape where you meet Darcie and Connor. 

Their story continues throughout the trilogy and it is them who bring together the next two couples. In the end the six will band together to fight for what matters most: each other.


What is the sub-genre and trope?  Did your characters lead you to this genre or was that decided before the story began?

The sub-genre would be romantic suspense. 

I would say the characters took it in that direction. I couldn’t tell them what to do if I wanted to.


Are you more character or plot driven?

Good question. No idea! 

I don’t sit down and try to come up with something to write or say to myself that I want to write a particular type of story. I just write the story that comes to me and roll with it.


With many main and secondary characters, how do you keep them separated in your mind?  Do you have a story/vision board above your workspace?

Nope! LOL! 

I couldn’t create a vision board if I tried. I keep a list of the characters and that’s all. 

lso, I don’t have many secondary characters. I’m very big on keeping things as simple as possible. 

As a reader, I find it irritating when there are so many characters that I lose track of who’s who. I like to keep it simple.


I know from previous interviews that characters take on a life of their own.  Were any of the characters in this series determined to take their own direction instead of where you initially wanted them to go?

Not so much. But, there was one character that ended up surprising me. 

I think he still has a thing or two up his sleeve. I won’t say which one because I don’t want to give anything away. Let’s just say that this bad guy is determined to prove me wrong.


Are any of the male POVs based on anyone you know?



Are any of the female POVs based on anyone you know?



What is your favorite book in the series? 

I love each one in their own way. 

Escape has a softness, Break Free has an edge, and the third book, United, that isn’t yet finished, brings a little bit of everything. 

But, I think United will end up being my favorite.


I know that we aren’t supposed to have “favorites” as far as our children, but seriously, who’s your favorite character and why?

My favorite in the trilogy is Darcie. She isn’t dynamic, but there is a whole lot more to her than meets the eye. She’s introduced as a shy, insecure, traumatized woman. But as the story progresses she proves not just to the reader but to herself that she is so much more than the sum of her fears.


Series question - Who is your favorite couple and why did you decide on their dynamics?

Sondra and Simon. 

Those two skipped past the niceties and went straight for the throat. Sondra doesn’t take crap from anyone and Simon seems to bring out both the worst and the best in her. In the end he proves that he’s a worthy opponent.


How do you get inside these character’s heads to find their perfect HEA?

I wrote the end of Break Free before I wrote the beginning. 

They told me how their story would end so that I would understand how to write their beginning. They aren’t your typical lovers in love.


What scene in this book/series sticks out the most for you?  Why?

The end scene is my favorite. It’s an HEA but not without a fight- literally.


Series - Were any of the books harder to write than others?

I haven’t finished United yet. I think that one will be the hardest. 

All the hints of danger and secrets are about to hit the fan.


This question is if you write in MULTIPLE POVs not just the hero and heroine - I love the multiple POVs in a book.  It’s not just the hero and heroine, but we get inside the heads of multiple characters throughout this series.  I feel that it gives the story further depth.  Do you think you will write another book or series following this multiple POV outline? 

Absolutely. One reviewer noted that I write from multiple perspectives, including the little orphan dog, Bitsy, LOL.


How long did it take you to write this book/series?

This book took five months to complete. I delayed because I allowed fear to cripple my instincts. 

The couple in Break Free are very different from the couple in the first book, Escape. I was concerned that my readers would not accept them.


How did you come up with the title for your book and series?

This is such a cliche, but I woke up with the three titles in my head. 

I had been tossing around ideas and man were they lousy! So lousy that I ended up with a headache. 

So I laid down and when I woke up there the three titles were and my headache was gone. If only it were always so simple!


If you met these characters in real life would you get along?

Absolutely! Although none are based solely on real people they each carry a piece of myself or someone I love.


Series question – Did you know in advance that you were going to write this as a series or did one of the characters in book one demand their own story?

I did not realize there was more to the story until I was half finished with Book One: Escape. 

Darcie made friends with lovely people and they deserved their own spotlight.


Can you give us a hint as to what we can expect next?  Whether a new book and series or a sequel to an existing series?  Can you share a small tease?

I am currently writing Book Three: United. 

While that was meant to be the final book in The O’Brians I have a feeling that there may be something more coming. 

In Book One, Escape, there is a character, Anne Malloy. She is a ghost that readers want to know more about. I didn’t include more of her backstory in Escape because it didn’t move the story forward. But there's no reason she couldn’t have her own book. 

There’s also another character, Cian, that is introduced in Break Free, that has a heck of a back story: mafia, murder, theft, love, family, lust, but there really isn’t space for it in the trilogy. He just might persuade me into giving him his own book. 

I’ll see what’s what when United is finished. The O’Brians Trilogy may not end up a trilogy afterall! 


Check out all my interviews/reviews for Jude McLean!


Jude McLean is an American of Irish descent who holds a deep-rooted affinity to Ireland. She can’t be there as much as she would like. With her writing, she can be there as often as she wishes and brings her readers along for the ride. 

When Jude isn’t writing, you can find her in the kitchen creating lavish desserts and meals, all the while happily singing as she waves a wooden spoon. 

She laughs too loud, swears too often, and has been known to eat an entire cake all by herself. But she promises her readers will never go without a laugh, a gasp, maybe a tear or two, and a smile.

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Escape to breathtaking Ireland in a story of passion, mystery, and suspense.

She dreams of breaking free.

Desperate to start over, Darcie Hartwell is drawn to Ireland, unwittingly compelled by the mystical power of fate and the ghost of an ancestor. She’s not looking for adventure, love, or friendship. She only yearns for a peaceful life, free from the memories that plague her nightmares.

He dreams of her.

Connor O’Brian is a hard-working Irishman who wants nothing to do with women or romance—burnt once, twice shy. Except for the one he sees in his dreams. For years, he has dreamt of only her. Nameless, voiceless, he doesn’t know if she’s real. But he knows that if he ever finds her, he will stop at nothing to keep her.

But fate has its own plans.

Falling into the waiting arms of the handsome Irishman was never Darcie’s intention, but in that one moment, everything changed. Now, Darcie must decide if she is willing to confront the past that haunts her and face who she is to fight for the love she never knew awaited her.


Release Date - August 16, 2022
PRE-ORDER your copy today!


Escape to breathtaking Ireland in a story of passion, mystery, and suspense.

She will fight to protect her heart.

Stunning as a sunrise, Sondra Keane enchants men everywhere she goes. Fiercely independent, she has everything she needs: her own clothing shop, her best friend, Darcie, and a penchant for life that radiates from her every move. But underneath her vibrant exterior, a darkness shadows her heart. She trusts no one, especially herself.

He will fight to protect her.

Simon O’Brian loves the ladies and was perfectly happy with Miss Right Now - until Sondra. Sassy and intelligent, this firecracker is clear about what she wants - and he is more than happy to give it to her. Except this time, she ignites more than a passion in his blood, and he finds himself wanting nothing less than her heart.

But something sinister is coming.

When Darcie’s deadly family threatens her newfound happiness, Sondra gets caught in the onslaught. With her world on fire, Simon needs her to trust him now more than ever, and Sondra must choose between holding on to her past or accepting that sometimes opening your heart and risking it all is the only path to being saved.

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