Thursday, June 30, 2022

REVIEW - TAKEOFF by Evelyn Sola

It's after the game and Colt knows he will have tons of messages from his mom.  He is a NBA player and she calls throughout the game with praise or comments, but when he hears her talking setting him up to meet woman from church when he visits this summer he starts hitting delete.  For a single mom she was determined to see him married.  No thanks, been there...done that.

His wife had died from a heroin overdose three years ago and he keeps her memory alive for his son and not wanting to share with anyone that his marriage had been anything but happy.  Kelsey had not only deliberately gotten pregnant so he would marry her, but hid her drug addiction from him until it was too late to get her help.

Vickie is on her way out the door when she gets a call from her mother.  Why is their mother calling her non-stop?  The mother that not only left their dad, but left behind her three children without a goodbye.  When Tara, Alan and she got home from school their mother was gone...she just left and it was months before she contacted them and more months would go by before they heard from her again.

Now they were adults and she called non-stop.  Deciding to answer her call she is confused as to why her ex-boyfriend contacted her mother.  Her phone number is the same as it has always been.  She cuts the call short when the Uber arrives and heads for her date.  

The date from hell.  First, he looked nothing like his profile photo and then he just licked his lips staring at her chest.  The guy was a total douche and she told the waiter to box her dinner she was out of there.  As she is waiting at the bar for her order, she glances at the man who just took a seat next to her...her ex-boyfriend.  She should have known her mother had a reason for asking where she was going.  Perfect, another douche.

She had agreed to join her friend, a fellow teacher, at the nightclub, but had no interest in meeting any of the NBA stars that were there.  Tamron was on her own there.  So she waved her friend on and waited for her sister to arrive.

When Tara and her boyfriend arrive, Ethan gets them up to the VIP section and leaves to get them a drink.  As Vickie and her sister watch the crowd below she tells Tara how disgusted she is of the woman throwing themselves that the athletes.  You would not only be dating an athlete, but their ego and they couldn't keep it in their pants.  When her sister tells her not to generalize as some are family men she just rolls her eyes.

Tara tells her she wouldn't believe who one of Ethan's best friends was.  As they are talking Ethan returns from the bar with her drink, but he's not alone.  A gorgeous man is with him with a days worth of scruff on his jaw.  He had to be close to seven foot tall.  And until that moment she didn't realize how attractive a five-o'clock shadow was.  That is until she heard women calling his name and snapping photos and realized who he was.  A pro athlete.

I loved this book!  It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and relatable.  I love Colt!  He decided immediately that he wanted Vickie in his life and literally bulldozed his way in and refused to go away.  He was hilarious!

This book is action-packed, full of angst and smoking smoking hot!  It is the first time I have read anything by Evelyn Sola and I was not disappointed.  The storyline is amazing and there is a full cast of secondary characters that will keep you laughing.  And Evan...

Highly recommend this book and I can't wait to start catching up on this complete series!

TAKEOFF is book three of the TAKE Series!

Start reading TAKEOFF today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!

Start reading the series today!
Available in Kindle Unlimited!


Check out all my interviews/reviews for Evelyn Sola!

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