Sunday, December 12, 2021


Nim is tired of waiting in the car with her parents and decides to take a walk in the neighboring woods when she hears a puppy whining.  As she is tapping in the phone number from the puppy's collar she hears a rifle shot and the puppy takes off scared.

When she finally catches up with the puppy sitting at the edge of a clearing she freezes and stays in hiding when she sees the cruel looking hunter who is evidently the puppies owner.  Before she can leave she sees more hunting dogs and three men a few years older than her arrive.  She can't do anything but stare as they look like they stepped out of fashion catalogues and not hunting in the woods.

She watches in horror as they kill the man with a machete.  Before she can escape unnoticed the pup runs to her and when the men see her one says that she can mark getting murdered in the woods off her bucket list.  She turns and runs.

I absolutely loved this book!  It is very well written and all of the characters are fully developed.  Maggie is in the small coal town with her parents.  Her parent's are there for their twentieth college reunion and wanted her know where she was born.

This book is action-packed and full of danger and tragedy.  This is a very dark bully romance with humiliation, brutality and non-consensual encounters so beware of triggers.  This is book one of The Serpents of Cinderhart Academy duet.  

I found myself unable to put this book down.  There are a few twists and turns and a mystery that needs unraveling.  Can't wait to see what happens in book two!

Available on Kindle Unlimited!

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