Friday, June 3, 2022


Sita is sitting in a chair at her front door peeking out the blinds on her side window as she talks to her best friend Jenna.  She has been borderline stalking her neighbor across the hall for months.  She has tried everything she knows in order to be neighborly - saying hello in the elevator, leaving a Christmas care package at his door - but he doesn't even see her.  She's almost six foot tall!  How can he not see her?

So here she is talking to her friend, updating her on her upcoming trip to Japan, as she peeks out her window trying to get a glimpse of her gorgeous neighbor.  Mr. P. Cooke is what fantasies are made of.  She wonders what its like having a person in the same room with you and missing them even before they leave the room.  She's not jealous of her best friend, she would just like to have the same type of relationship.

Sita is a lawyer specializing in celebrities and has her share of male attention, but men seem to find her unapproachable because she's too tall, too smart, too beautiful.  She doesn't easily make friends, but the ones she has she holds close and will defend to her death.  And she has never felt ignored until the neighbor across the hall arrived.  Her usual confidence disappears when she's in his presence as he never looks or even acknowledges her existence.

Sita is in Japan negotiating a deal after the company made a video game using an avatar image of her child-actor without his permission when she receives a call from her apartment manager telling her that she will need to vacate her apartment so workers can get in to repair a plumbing issue.  Just what she needs.  She is leaving to fly home tomorrow and now has nowhere to stay.

While she is enjoying a tea at her favorite cafe, she pulls out her laptop to search for a place to stay when she returns to San Francisco.  She must be apartment in her building is on a vacation rental site as the owner is away for the weekend...and it belongs to Mr P. Cooke himself.

What an amazing book!  It is very well written and the characters are fully developed and totally relatable.  I love how periodically the characters make aside comments to the readers making you feel like part of the story.

Sita is fighting a demon that shadows her periodically and Penn is running from a devastating past.  Wow, do they start off on the wrong foot and her obsession becomes anger.  My heart broke when we find out the reason that Penn has been doing everything in his power to avoid Sita, until he finds her unexpectedly in his bed.  And then he can no longer ignore her and only wants to tame her Level 5 Hurricane personality.

This story will have you laughing and crying.  It is action-packed from page one and full of twists and smoking hot sexual chemistry!  Highly recommend this book and Swati MH.  Can't wait to see what she has in store for us next.

MY DARLING NEIGHBOR is book three of the FEEL THE BEAT Series

Start reading MY DARLING NEIGHBOR today!
Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
Start reading the FEEL THE BEAT Series today!
Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!

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