Thursday, July 15, 2021

BLOG TOUR - UBER G#SM by Tamsyn Bester & Robin Ash


UBERG#SM ((App) Series #) by Tamsyn Bester & Robin Ash 

Release Date: July 15th   

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My sister’s wedding is across the country. And I don’t fly. So I do the next best thing: I schedule an Uber. Do the calculation. That’s 2,854 miles, and 44 hours in a car with a complete stranger. You may be wondering what could possibly go wrong, and you’d be right to because who in their right mind would ever Uber across the country with someone they don’t know? Me. That’s who. And everything that can go wrong? Pretty much does.   

My friends and I have a bet. $10 000 for whoever can get the worst rating as an Uber driver. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. Because my passenger proves to be more trouble than she’s worth. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to see it through. You see, I went from being a trust fund brat, to a broke brat, and my friends have no idea. Which is why tolerating my passenger is my only option. The question is: will we kill each other on the road, or will we fall into bed together along the way? Only time will tell, and until then we’ll just drive each other batsh*t crazy. 

About the Authors: 

Definitely up to no good... Tamsyn Bester and Robin Ash Robin Ash is Ashleigh Giannoccaro’s pen name. It’s where her funny bone lives. After years on the dark side of romance Ash decided it was time to laugh at love. Who better to do it with then her best friend and partner in book crimes. International Bestseller Tamsyn Bester, has joined forces with her best friend to create some sexy laughs and characters to swoon over. Hold onto your knickers, because they might just fall off ;)   

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