Saturday, March 13, 2021



Thank You Skylar West for taking the time for this interview!

I first came across Skylar's books when I received an Advanced Readers Copy of DARK ANGEL REDEEMED.  As it was part of a series I bought all of the books and started with the first book in the series and began my journey through an amazing story of the war between angels and demons.  I absolutely loved the series and Skylar's style of writing.  

Her books are full of explicit sex and BDSM scenarios so beware if that isn't your cup of tea.  The books are very well written and you can find links to my individual book reviews at the end of this post.


SKYLAR WEST is an established steamy, action suspense romance novelist, who loves to write stories about strong heroines and dominant heroes.

Every character she meets in her head has a story to tell. Skylar writes in a variety of Romance subgenres and tropes, to make these characters' stories rich and fulfilling for the reader.

Skylar writes BDSM and Daddy Dom romance under her alternate pen name, Rogue London.

Skylar/Rogue is a wife, mother of 5, and grandmother of 4. She's reinvented herself many times starting her early years off as a junior Olympic competitor, dancer, model, and actress.

She's run a successful MLM company and shared time management tips on many stages across North America.

For the past fifteen years, she has worked as a yoga instructor and alternative health practitioner with a client base of over 6000.

Now, she is quite happy to lock herself away in her favorite nook, to dream up and write stories to share with the world.

When and how did you know you wanted to be a writer?

I was bullied in grades 6 and 7 and to compensate for my destructive thoughts, I wrote poetry.  At that time, it was all I knew how to do to soothe my soul.  In grade 8 I had three poems published and shared with my English teacher my desire to be a writer.  She or he, funny that I have blocked out that person, told me not to bother, that I didn't have what it took to write, but I never let go of my dream then life happened.  I finally started writing my first novel in 2007 but I didn't publish it until 2016.

Did you have any influencing writers growing up?

Archie comics were my first love

Followed quickly by Nancy Drew

My first adult novel was Stephen King, in grade 7 and then I moved onto science fantasy.  My fav author of that time, David Eddings, but who influenced me the most was S.E. Hinton author of The Outsiders.

Are any of your characters based on people in real life?

Every single character has a piece of someone, and all of them have a piece of me.

Where do you draw your book inspirations from?

My imagination is limitless.  However, I have led a colorful life which has given me a rich culture to draw from.

Do you use a basic outline when starting a new story or do you let the characters lead the way?

I do, I read the James Patterson on outlines.  However, I have also deviated.  My process is very organic in nature.

When you are picturing the characters in your books, do you have a cheater photo for inspiration?

Never.  I see them clearly in my mind.  Then, I find three potential model images for the cover.

Many people read as a form of escape and relaxation.  What is your favorite way to sit back and relax?

I also read for relaxation.  My favorite is historical, fiction and non.  I am also a yogi and do breathing and yoga for relaxation as well as sitting in my park-like back yard and communing with nature.  Watching the birds and the trees gently sway.  The fragrance of life can calm me after a day of living in my head, lol! 

Who are your favorite current authors to read?

Boy, that is a tough one.  I. T. Lucas has a fabulous paranormal series I just finished and enjoyed tremendously.  Historical writers that I hae read recently that I really like are Vanessa Brooks, Finley Brown, and Jayne Castel.  A writer with many genres I enjoy is Brandy Golden and then there are books I reread over and over every few years - Antonia Fraser, Tolkien, Herman Hesse are among my favs.. When I'm feeling raunchy and want to disappear into a sex fantasy type of book, I love Renne Rose.

What are your favorite books by others?

There are too many to mention, but I am always drawn to well-written books and all the above authors have that as well as new to me Ann Jensen.

Do the locations in the stories have any meaning to you?

Absolutely and here is where my paranormal stories are quite different from what I have read on the market...I don't like alternate universes and planets.  I don't write about things that are completely made up.  I have to have at least one foot based on history or fact.  A lot of my information for The Angels and Demons series comes from my knowledge of the bible, and my love of history.  The history that came to me through education, by homeschooling my children and old books no longer in print, Philosophy, and questioning the what-ifs that are presented.  I prefer to take multiple cultural deities and blend them as I am a believer that the pasts are many, but the truth is one.

I love writing about Scotland, even though I haven't been yet, it is my big bucket list item and I am determined to get there and also be on a writing retreat there one day.

I tend to use New York a lot, I went there once and fell in love.  Currently, I'm writing a Mafia romance and it takes place primarily in Philadelphia.  I have used Africa, Turkey, and Greece in locations as well but by far, Scotland is used the most as a current location.  I just finished writing a modern-day Knights Templar romance mystery and it is primarily in Scotland.  I'm very excited about my new Crown and Cross Series that will be releasing in April.  The book is called Laughlin.

Do you write in single or multiple POV?

Both, but I prefer multiple, so much fun!

What do you find to be your best research tool?

The dark web, lol!  Honestly, searching through multiple engines, and my private library.

Do you write under a pen name?


What genre do you write and why is this your preference?

Romance mystery paranormal but ALL have a happy ending.  I don't write about children or animals or abuse to either.  I find that extremely distasteful and too shocking for my empathic spirit.  I won't read books with those in them either.  I like consensual sex and play in my books between strong characters, win/win.

What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?

Write 2500 words per day, every day for a year.  When you do that, you morph.


Connect with Skylar West/Rogue London:

Check out all my reviews for Rogue London/Skylar West!

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