Wednesday, May 12, 2021

REVIEW - MADDIE AND DADDY by Carolyn Faulkner

Maddie grew up with an addict for a mother and despite having to take care of her mother instead of the other way around she was determined to attend school.  When she won a scholarship she studied to become a teacher so she could help children that were in the position she had grown up in.

Maddie met Zar in college.  He's been there for her and always making sure she was included in everything even inviting her home with him on breaks.  Zar was perfection.  Tall, gorgeous, and a twelve pack.  And she was Pillsbury doughboy fat.

I loved this book.  The daddy/babygirl fetish isn't my normal reading, but this book was wonderful.  It is very well written and the characters are fully developed. 

Maggie has a MAJOR hangup about her weight.  She doesn't understand how someone who is physical perfection could truly love her romantically.  Carolyn Faulkner describes these feelings perfectly.  Zar may be a sex god, but I love that he truly loves Maddie and what she considers flaws he loves because they are her.

Highly recommend this book!  

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